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Harvest Practices

Harvest Practices

Windsor Oaks Vineyards employs a year-around crew that does all picking of grapes and the required seasonal farm work. Our experienced vineyard crew picks clean. Buyers are not allowed to pick for themselves.

Especially for early ripening varietals, picks are at night and available as much as possible for delivery or pickup early in the morning. Harvest schedules and weather conditions may require continuing night picks as well. When the weather is cooler, picks, typically start at daybreak.

Windsor Oaks Vineyards standard work schedule is Monday through Saturday for most of the year, including the harvest period. Sunday picks are not accomodated, unless necessitated by weather or ripening conditions.

Windsor Oaks Vineyards can assist with guidance; however, all calls to harvest must be made by the Buyer. The picking schedule is based upon the first to call, except where practically limited. Only verbal contracts of our Vineyard Manager, Doug Lumgair, Viticulturist, Daniel Charles, or Grape Sales Manager, Ralph Hoag, are recognized as a commitment to pick. An annual pre-harvest announcement and guideline letter is provided to Buyers, describing the do and don’t on the property.

Each load up to 5,000 pound is weighed by our certified weighmaster and the Weigh Tag provided to the Buyer. Alternatively, a public scale may be used or the Buyer may choose its own scale readings. 

Windsor Oaks Vineyards asked Buyers to provide one-half ton macro-bins for picking and transport. Bins must be delivered at least a day before harvest. Where valley bins are a contract requirement, Windsor Oaks Vineyards will consider offering that option. Windsor Oaks Vineyards has backup one-half ton macro-bins and may be able to loan bins to Buyers without them or where the Buyer's bin inventory is otherwise engaged.  

Some Buyers wish to use other containers for picking or hauling. Windsor Oaks Vineyards supports the use of wide range of containers. Normally, there is no extra cost for non-standard bins, boxes, or containers. The exception is the 35-40-pound box (FYB’s) that requires special picking, stacking, weighing, and packaging. FYBs have an additional per ton charge.

Windsor Oaks Vineyards has forklifts and staff to assist in vehicle loading.

Buyers are generally responsible for their own hauling. Where required, Windsor Oaks Vineyards does have the delivery capability in Sonoma County of truckloads by our semi-trailer truck or smaller loads by our dedicated hauling truck and trailer. Special arrangements may be possible for delivery outside of our normal coverage areas. Windsor Oaks Vineyards charges for truck delays beyond 1 1/2 hours on the crushpad of Buyer or its grape processor. There may be an additional charge for loads less than 3T. Windsor Oaks Vineyards sells to Buyers across the country. Our staff has experience in corridinating harvests and preparation with the Buyer's carrier or logistic support.

Quarantines: Monitoring for the European Grape Vine Moth and the Light Brown Apple Moth continues. None have been not been found on our property. Currently, no special requirements are in place for transport. If the situation changes, Windsor Oaks Vineyards will be compliant with Sonoma County directives and those of the requirements of receiving locations.